Cultivating a Sense of Belonging through College and Career Readiness
Decisions about going-on after high school are largely related to a student's sense of belonging related to the college culture. Too often students’ fears about fitting in, cultural awareness, and identity as a “college student” determine whether or not students go-on to college. In this full day pre-conference, participants will learn about aspects of their school culture that enable social and emotional awareness and motivations for students related to college and career readiness. This training will delve into theoretical research behind student motivations, identity, relational-trust, and social/emotional awareness related to the college and career readiness culture in a school setting. Individuals will also walk away with practical strategies to use with students to cultivate belonging in their college and career centers, classroom lessons, and one-to-one advising interactions with students. Space is limited. Presented by:
Tina Polishchuk, Ed.D- Doctorate of Education
Matt McCarter, MA-Masters in Communication
Thursday, November 15 - 8AM to 12PM (4 CE hours)
The Idaho Counseling Association is a Branch of the American Counseling Association
P.O. Box 1426 Boise, ID 83701
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